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Important documents
  • Amnesty International. (2011). “Not an illness nor a crime”: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Turkey demand equality. United Kingdom.




  • Beijing Platform for Action in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .


  • Burri, S., & van Eijken, H. (2014.). European Network of Legal Experts In The Field Of Gender Equality Gender Equality Law in 33 European Countries: How are EU rules transposed into national law? Equal Treatment Legislation.


  • EIGE. (2020). Gender Equality Index 2020 CYPRUS. Retrieved from




  • EU Monitor. (2008). Turkey 2008 Progress report - EU monitor. Retrieved from


  • EUROFOUND. (2014). Social partners and gender equality in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.



  • EUROSTAT. (2020). Tertiary education statistics. Retrieved from explained/index.php?title=Tertiary_education_statistics#Participation_of_men_and_women_in_tertiary _education










In the Check It He Interim Report you can find vast information about the main procedures and organizations dealing with incidents in campuses.


Be aware that some countries there is a national policy determining the existence of specific protocols for people to report these type of acts and crimes within Campuses, while many others not.


Be aware that in some countries several laws were implemented for legalizing marriage between persons of the same sex, or to change sex, while in other there no advancements on this level.


Media (newspapers, and social networks in general), are nowadays a great ally in putting the issues on the social and political agenda.


If you fell you are being victim of a gender based hate practice:

You need to know first what person in your institution can help you to deal with the issue (maybe a central office for gender equality and diversity, director of the courses, or head of school/departments) and search

for advising.


If you have been reported or assist to a gender based violent act (that can be hidden in the language being used):


You need to know first what person in your institution can help you to deal with the issue (maybe a central office for gender equality and diversity, director of the courses, or head of school/departments) and search for advising.


Being decision maker you need:

To pursue the goal of take positive actions to prevent people at your institution to suffer gender based violence at any form.


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